Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fishing in Brewerton at Lighthouse Park, September 28, 2016

We would normally fish the docks off Brewerton Road but this time we went across the Oneida River to Lighthouse Park. Be forewarned, there are A LOT of gobies here. It is very annoying. The only good thing about it is if you toss them on the grass, you might get a chance to see a blue heron swoop down and get it like we did. But, if you can fish around them, you have a good chance at some perch, rock bass, and even pickerel.

On this night, something pretty funny happened. I kept catching gobies (not funny) and on one of the swings up I felt a very heavy tug. Before reeling it in, the line broke. So we knew something big was in there. About thirty minutes later, the person I was with, brought up a huge pickerel. What was funny about it was when she picked it up for a photo, it spit out a dead goby that had my hook in its mouth! I must have hooked a goby and pickerel came by and grabbed the goby I had hooked and that's what broke my line.

I caught a rock bass in the weeds under the dock before it got dark and we left.

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