Saturday, November 5, 2016

My Favorite Erie Canal Fishing Spots, May 2016

I have probably posted about these areas before but they really are my favorite areas. The first is on Manlius Center Road in Fayetteville.

People who fish here usually walk down to the Limestone Aquaduct and have really good luck. I usually stay near the parking area and still have good luck. One of the reasons I love fishing the Erie Canal is I have caught the most variety of fish in it. I've caught lots of bass, pickerel, a white crappie, black crappie, perch, bluegill, pumpkinseed, rock bass, bullhead, redbreast sunfish, and a green sunfish. I always use a medium to heavy pole because there are large carp in there and I've had my line snapped several times. I use everything from pink floating worms from Prichard Baits, to live worms, to texas rigs for bass. I've been with people who have caught huge bass on top water poppers. 

 Green Sunfish on Prichard Baits
 Redbreast Sunfish
 Largemouth Bass
White Crappie

Another part of the Canal that I frequent is in Kirkville.

Early mornings are the best. I like to sit in a chair on this somewhat quiet road and fish as the sun comes up. 

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