Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Shore Fishing the Oswego River Lock in Phoenix, July 16, 2015

Back to the Phoenix Lock (see my previous post for its location). This was a good white bass night. The lock was a lot lower than I've seen it and bass were jumping. There is also a ton of goose poop.

We caught this white bass with a spinner and worm.

The best part was watching the geese. There is something great about being somewhere random at a time of night you might normally be home watching tv to see what life is like for the rest of nature. While I sat on the edge of the walkway I watched a large group of geese waddle up the bank (that I didn't even know was next to me because it was hidden under trees ) and hang out for a bit before waddling off to their next place. 

Watching the sun go down.

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